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Orlando Personal Injury Attorneys / Maitland Medical Malpractice Attorney

Maitland Medical Malpractice Attorney

We like to think that all doctors are highly qualified and that all hospitals do everything they can to save lives and prevent further harm to patients, the truth is that medical professionals make mistakes all the time. Most of these mistakes are minor; some cause irreparable harm or death. Medical malpractice is much more common than most people realize, and hospitals virtually never own up to their errors. If you or a loved one suffered at the hand of a negligent medical professional, the Maitland medical malpractice attorneys at The Hornsby Law Group are here to help you investigate the incident and take legal action if necessary.

Top Examples of Medical Malpractice

  • Misdiagnosis—Misdiagnosis is the number one type of medical malpractice. Doctors have to abide by a standard of care to either properly diagnose, or refer to a specialist, when a patient presents certain symptoms or complaints.
  • Late or delayed diagnosis—Sometimes a condition needs to be diagnosed quickly to start treatment right away or at least relatively soon. Failure to diagnose an illness like cancer allows the cancer to spread, impacting other body parts and decreasing the positive outcome of the patient.
  • Failure to treat—While the patient was diagnosed correctly, somehow the medical team failed to actually treat the patient with the correct standard of care. This could be discharging the patient too soon or a nurse simply forgetting to give the patient a necessary medication.
  • Anesthesia errors—Improper anesthesia treatment, statistically, is the most likely way a patient will die. Other injuries can include brain damage, organ damage, pneumothorax, and more.
  • Surgical mistakes—Surprisingly, some of the worst most common surgical errors include operating on the wrong body part, leaving surgical tools or mesh behind in the patient’s body, operating on entirely the wrong patient, and causing avoidable nerve damage.
  • Birth injuries—There are dozens of ways a birth can go wrong. A few include the improper use of forceps, clavicle fracture by applying too much pulling force, failure to rotate the baby, failure to diagnose an irregular heart beat or oxygen saturation, and improper use of vacuum suctioning.

Damages in a Maitland Medical Malpractice Claim

If you were injured, or a loved one was killed, due to medical malpractice, you may be entitled to the following damages:

  • Medical expenses
  • Future costs of medical expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of joy of life
  • Emotional distress
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning capacity due to disability
  • Loss of consortium (in the event of death)
  • Lost lifetime earnings (in the event of death)

While medical group lobbyists once successfully implemented a cap on non-economic damages in medical malpractice lawsuits (damages such as pain and suffering or loss of companionship), the Supreme Court recently ruled against these caps as unconstitutional. As such, there are no longer caps or limits on non-economic (or economic) damages in a medical malpractice claim or lawsuit.

Call a Maitland Medical Malpractice Attorney Today

Whether you suffered an injury or prolonged illness at the hands of a large hospital with unlimited legal funds, or a family practitioner, we can help you file a claim for damages. Call the Maitland medical malpractice attorneys at The Hornsby Law Group today to schedule a free consultation.