Category Archives: Motorcycle Accidents

Assessing Liability In Florida Motorcycle Accidents
Most people who ride motorcycles in Florida know the potential risks of such a hobby, and take all possible precautions to protect themselves on the road. Unfortunately, accidents will happen, regardless, and the injuries to the motorcyclist can be quite severe – data from the National Highway Transport & Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that… Read More »

After A Florida Motorcycle Crash
Motorcycling is a hobby enjoyed by millions across the United States, but Florida’s relatively sunny weather makes the state a premier destination for riders, particularly around events like Daytona Bike Week. That said, the state’s declining infrastructure and heavy traffic in many areas can make riding a motorcycle in Florida especially hazardous to one’s… Read More »

Motorcycle Crashes Vs Car Crashes
With such sunny weather for most of the year, Florida is a natural haven for motorcyclists. However, this also means that Florida consistently has a high rate of injury and fatality for motorcycles, simply because there are more on the road. If you are involved in a motorcycle crash in Florida, and you suspect… Read More »

Florida Motorcycle Accidents
Florida is a motorcycle state. It consistently ranks in the top 5 for the number of motorcycles registered per state, and they are a constant feature on state roads, regardless of the weather. However, accidents involving motorcycles are sadly common as well – data from Ride Smart Florida estimates a disproportionate number of motorcycle… Read More »

Florida Motorcycle Accidents Are Deadly
While most people do not think of Florida as a motorcyclists’ paradise, the year-round mild weather and destination travel attract many motorcycle riders to the state. However, with more drivers comes more accidents, and unfortunately, more fatalities. Data released in 2022 ranks Florida as the fourth most dangerous state for motorcycle riders, with only… Read More »

Motorcyclists Face Danger On Florida Roads
From events like Biketoberfest and Daytona Bike Week to just enjoying a ride down the highway, motorcycling is part of Florida’s culture. However, Florida does consistently rank high on the list of motorcyclist fatality totals, for a variety of reasons. If you love to ride your motorcycle, you likely are aware of the potential… Read More »

Motorcyclists Are In More Danger On Florida Roads
Data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that if a motorcyclist is involved in a road accident, they are roughly 29 times more likely to die than auto drivers or passengers. There are a host of reasons for this, but whichever might apply in one specific case, the fact remains that… Read More »

Florida Motorcycle Accidents Can Be Deadly
Florida is a haven for motorcyclists, with the second-highest number of motorcycle registrations in the United States. However, the high number of motorcyclists on Florida roads means that there is a higher-than-average number of motorcycle accidents, and a higher-than-average number of injuries and fatalities associated with motorcycle accidents. If you have been injured due… Read More »