Seeking Compensation For Your Florida Traumatic Brain Injury

Whether it happens in a car crash or another type of accident, a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can completely change a person’s life. If it was caused by the negligent actions of another person, the sense of injury can be even more acute. Traumatic brain injuries are all too common, with approximately 64,000 TBI-related deaths in 2020, and while they vary in severity, they can lead to severe, even permanent injury. The help of an experienced attorney can put you on the road to receiving the compensation you deserve.
Causes and Effects
A traumatic brain injury happens when the brain strikes the inside of the skull because of a sudden violent impact. The immediate culprit in most TBIs is blunt trauma, though certain stabbing injuries may also lead to the brain being impaired. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) show that there were as many as 223,100 TBI-related hospitalizations in 2019, having been caused by a variety of incidents – the most common include automobile accidents, falls, and being the victim of a violent crime, among others.
Just as TBIs can occur due to any one of several possible accidents, the symptoms associated with TBIs will vary widely. Usually, the more severe the TBI, the more visible the symptoms, but this is not always the case. One of the symptoms more associated with severe TBIs is the inability to taste or smell, while speech impairments and lightheadedness are more likely to appear if the TBI is less severe.
Filing Suit
If someone is injured due to another person’s negligence, and they choose to file a claim against that person, one of the first questions they often ask is how much their claim will supposedly be worth. The answers in TBI cases are often next-to-impossible to figure out, because there are so many variables in each case that a blanket guess would not be a good idea. The best option for an injured person is to progress with their suit, and see what may be possible in court.
If your TBI occurred during an auto accident, you may be concerned about Florida’s no-fault auto insurance system, as your personal injury protection insurance will generally not cover all your medical bills. However, the law has what is known as a severity threshold, which means that if an injury is sufficiently serious – “significant and permanent” is usually the requirement – you can simply file suit in court, instead of having to negotiate with your insurer.
Contact An Orlando Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney
Living with a TBI can be extremely difficult, and if you have developed a TBI after an accident, you have the right to try and seek compensation for what you have been through. An Orlando traumatic brain injury attorney from the Hornsby Law Group can help you understand your options going forward, and can offer compassionate representation at a time where your family may need it. Call Hornsby Law Group today at (407) 499-8887 for a free consultation.